Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday Night on Lake Erie

We went with Pam, Dave, Eva and Bill and some of their friends from the Edison for a night out at a restaurant on Lake Erie. We hadn't been to this place in years but years ago it was a very nice place. Well, we got there and followed the signs to the restaurant upstairs overlooking the lake. A person came out and said, "The restaurant is closed but the bar downstairs is open." So we went to the bar to wait for the other people. Now I am not an uppity woman but oh my God, it was nasty. It had a cement floor and the toilets were porta-johns outside. To make matters worse everything was covered with mayflies, which to some of you that don't know what they are, they are big flying insects that only live for one day and at a certain time of year they cover everything by the lake. The mayflies are proof that Lake Erie is alive and well but they are a big nuisance. They get so thick on the streets that sometimes they have to use snowplows to remove them. They only last a week or two but I don't like bugs. The waitress came over and asked us if we wanted to eat and that they had some steaks they could thaw out. UGH....I don't think so...
Needless to say we left there and went to really nice place across from Pearson Park. I had an excellent fillet and Bud had walleye. It sure is a shame that the restaurant on the lake just couldn't make a go of it. There was also a house that has the mean lean there. We took some pictures, I don't know what happened to make it collapse in the canal. At first we thought that was the restaurant. Ha Ha...But we had a nice evening regardless of few problems.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We've been getting the mayflies by our house too. That hasn't happened before. I called my Mom (who lives right on the lake) and said "I've got a ton of mayflies over here, there's like 10 on my screen". Needless to say, she didn't give me any sympathy! lol