Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Am A Blogger Slacker

I have not blogged since last week, I have been a bad girl. It seems like I never have enough time to attend to everything I have to do.
I worked on Sunday and Monday,very, very busy. On Tuesday we had our Christmas in January with the Red Hats. They are a nice bunch of ladies..In the evening Jerry and Jean Wessel had us over to their motorhome for dinner. They are only twelve miles away from us so we will probably see them often. We played WII and had a good time.
Wednesday we finished the final touches on Pam's house and it is ready for renters.In the evening we attended the Ohio Club with Pam and Rod and Eva and Bill. Lots of folks there, way too many for the amount of food brought in for the potluck. We were the next to last table to be called so needless to say we didn't get much but we had a good time.
Today we played shuffleboard and I did not win any games. Bud won one game but as a team we took fourteen out of twenty-four points.Tonight we are just chilling out and watching TV. I am working on some things for my digital scrapbooking competition with is next Wednesday...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Keep us posted on your competition!