Sunday, September 19, 2010

Great Weekend

Saturday was spent with my Red Hat group. We had game day way out on the east side of Toledo. They really went out and decorated the hall perfectly. They had so much food we couldn't eat it all. We played a sponge game, Left,Right,Center and Bunco. We had lots of laughs,it is a really nice bunch of women.
Today we worked on getting things ready around here. I spent a few hours working with my printer, putting in all new ink and now I have a line through my prints. What to do now??? I made Robert and Dakota a birthday card and we went over there tonight for cake and ice cream. Dakota got a new bike and Robert got beer and lottery cards.Dakota got his own hula hoop and he is excellent at it. He barely moves and it just keeps going and going. I tried and it fell to the floor.
Baby Aaron was there too. He is getting cuter everyday and really a very good natured baby.Can you believe he is crawling all ready?

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