Monday, January 19, 2009

Wonderful Sunday & Monday in the Villages

On Sunday I worked and we were super busy....I can't believe with all of the restaraunts in the Villages that we are always packed. Oh well, it keeps me in a job but it is making an old lady of me for sure...
We had some Michigan people over for a potluck before we went bowling. It went pretty good. I couldn't do all of these things if Bud didn't get most things ready while I am at work. He had the food cooking (I made it the day before) had the tables set up and everything nice and clean. I thank God everyday for him.
We had a great time at bowling, Bud had two great games and Rod had one that might get him in the standings. We took four points.
By the time we got home I was too pooped to blog, that is for sure.
Today I worked again. Martin Luther King day, no work for anyone so they all go out to eat, hurray, hurray. It was standing room only. So tonight I am staying home, eating leftovers and working on my digital scrapbooking. Our competition is in February and I would sure like to be ready for a change.

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