Monday, November 2, 2009

My First Birdie

Sunday I worked, extremely busy. The snowbirds have returned in full force. When I got home Don and Twyla were already here, she told me they wouldn't be here until Monday afternoon. So naturally I wasn't exactly ready. I hadn't even gone to the store yet. So we went to the store and then got Chinese take-out for dinner.
In the evening me and Twyla went to Havana Country Club to listen to the music and then we went to the square for a while.
Today I had to go to work and I didn't get to leave until after three. Me, Jane, Sandy and Pam had a 3:45 tee time at El Santiago so I just made it. We had a great time and I golfed very well for me. I made my first birdie ever. It made my day...
Twyla went shopping and to the show while I worked. She's a good guest, she can entertain herself. Twyla and Bud had dinner ready went I got home. It was so nice to have dinner all ready. Well, I am totally exhausted so I am going to bed..

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